Here is an interesting “nudge” that I noticed near my local school recently. On one of the bigger streets adjacent to the school, the “School 25 MPH” sign tends to get ignored by many drivers; probably some larger signs would help. There is one particular intersection that gets really busy just before school time in the mornings. So there are volunteers policing traffic every morning, trying to ensure that the kids and the adults walking them to school cross the streets safely.
Recently, I noticed that someone has come up with a very effective idea to slow down the speeding drivers on the busy street. Every morning, there are three orange rubber cones placed across the street, along the crosswalk. Two of these are at the edge of the street, touching the curb. The third is exactly in the middle of the crosswalk, at the road-divider line. So, none of these cones directly impede traffic in any way — they don’t block any of the lanes. Yet, just being placed visibly along the crosswalk seems to remind all the drivers about the school zone and nudges them to slow down and look for people trying to cross the street.
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