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Articles Overview
This page gives you an overview of some of the Articles that are contained in this blog. An article is typically a series of related posts that are linked together by an “article-index” post. In many cases, the posts that form an article also contain links within that point to the next and the previous posts.
Listed below are some of the article-index posts that will guide you through the specific articles. You can also get a list of all articles by selecting the topic “Articles” under the “Browse By Topics” sidebar menu.
As is typical with blogs, the contents of this blog as well as the articles will continue to evolve with time. New posts will be added to the articles, and some of the older posts may be enhanced or updated with new information and feedback from the readers.
Article: Robotics with Lego Mindstorms
Lego has revolutionized the field of robotics with its Mindstorms product. Over the years, the Mindstorms based robotics kits have inspired kids and the adults to learn, play and innovate. The posts in this article give you some insights on what Mindstorms is all about.
Article: Starting A Blog – Thoughts and Experiences
Creating your own blog, working on it and publishing your writings can be exciting and rewarding. But there are so many choices, and a few bumps on the road to blogosphere. This article is a collection of posts that I wrote as I was setting up my blog, customizing it, and debugging some of the issues that cropped up.
Article: Neighborhood Crimebusters’ Web Based Community
This article introduces you to the concept of using web-based social networking tools that can enhance the effectiveness of your neighborhood crime watch group.
Article: The Car That Drives Itself
This is mostly science fiction (for now) 🙂 Read it if you like such stuff. In about a decade from now, we might see some of this stuff on the roads.
More To Come
There are several other articles in development. This page will be updated to include them as they are published.
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