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How Would You Put Your Car On Auto-Pilot?

This is a continuation from the post Cars On Auto-Pilot.

Here is one possible way:

  1. Set destination information on GPS.
  2. Start driving to the nearest auto-pilot enabled freeway.
  3. Autopilot enabled freeway has multiple lanes. The rightmost lane, from where you enter or exit is Lane 0.
  4. Lane 0 – Manual control when you enter, but cars will not go faster than 20 MPH or some such limit. You have to drive on this lane until the car says “I am on the freeway traffic control now, so you can let go.” At this point, you put the car on auto pilot and relax. The car takes over and makes a request to the freeway traffic control to let it enter Lane 1. It stays on this lane until it can enter Lane 1.
  5. Lane 1 – Autopilot control, and cars enter here from Lane 0 after they are put on autopilot by the driver. Faster than Lane 0, and slower than Lane 2. Cars getting ready to exit come to Lane 1 from Lane 2.
  6. Lane 2, 3, and so on – Progressively faster. Cars go to higher numbered if there is place or stay where they are. While getting ready to exit, they progressively shift to lower numbered lanes, until they reach Lane 0.
  7. Cars exiting the freeway come to Lane 0 and wait for the driver to take back control.

More to follow:

How do the cars interact with each other and with the freeway traffic control?

[Technic Alley will carry a series of articles on this topic to give you up-to-date summaries on this exciting topic. Watch this space!]

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