This is a continuation from the post Building A Website Over A Blog.
You get the best of both worlds.
Going back to what a blog offers, you can see that it serves as a convenient place to accumulate little ideas, facts and thoughts. If you think of something to write about, it is very easy to write a quick post and publish it on your blog. You can always edit it later to add more information or to improve it in other ways. You don’t need to open your web editing tool to add an article every time you want to post something. So the blog serves you as a day to day working tool that is quick and efficient and lets you focus on the writing without worrying about how to format the webpage and so on.
The website is what you work on occasionally, may be to create an article using a bunch of your posts from your blog, or to make it prettier or easier to use. Here you are really more focused how to format your article, where to place it on the website, how to link it, where to save it and so on. Since you have already taken care of the “content” part of it in your blog posts, you can just focus on the web editing at this time.
Start with a blog and add a website later.
So, if you are having a hard time to decide whether to create a website or a blog, my suggestion would be to start with a blog using a good tool like WordPress or Movable Type, and make sure that you set it up nice and good. Once you have that running, you can start writing your articles. As you keep building your blog content, you will soon start getting ideas on how to pull it all together in your website.
For example, on your web host, you have have the blog set up at, and the website that you develop later can be at, and it can reference the bits and pieces from your blog.
This is part of a series of related Technic Alley articles on blogs and websites. Read Setting Up My WordPress Blog to learn more.
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